Your wedding Toast (and what not to do!)

Your wedding Toast (and what not to do!)

Have you been given the dreaded task of a wedding toast? No pressure….but your toast can set the mood for the rest of the dinner! A typical toast is either too short (Congrats!) or can drag on and on to the point where the DJ might cut you off….here are a few pointers to help you make your toast one to remember:

1) Don’t be overly sentimental. 

Everyone knows you love the bride (or groom), but the last thing people want is to hear you choke up after every other sentence. Keep things light hearted for the best speech, and share the tears for a private moment with the special couple. 

2) Don’t take that third shot!

This seems obvious, but many people mask their fear with a shot…or three. Make sure to keep the bar consumption light, until after you pass over the mic!

3) Don’t be afraid to roast the couple, but know when to stop. 

Everyone loves hearing a few funny tails of your friends, but this isn’t the perfect time to release all the dirty details. Keep things PG and everything should follow smoothly. 

4) Keep things general.

Now isn’t the time to drop all of your inside jokes! Be respectful of all the friends and family who have made the long journey to be with the couple. 

5) Don’t touch the forbidden fruit!

Stay away from touchy topics like religion, politics, and exes!

6) Keep things to under 5 minutes. 

It is always best to stop while you are ahead than to loose attention. 

7) Nerves?

Don’t let the nerves curtail your speech! You are here to give support and congratulations to the couple! Make sure to write down your top thoughts so you don’t forget when it is your turn to speak. 

8) Let go of the ‘I”

After all, it is your friends wedding! Make sure to tell stories or speak about the couple and not about yourself. 

Our best advice? Relax, and be genuine! There is a reason you were chosen for a speech, so deliver what the couple is looking forward to hearing.